When was the last time you did something for the first time?

SAVE on SAP License Costs
Sadly, many of us travel through life never attempting new things as often as we should. The security of maintaining ‘old ways’ holds us captive and people choose either to ignore or neglect the benefit that change can bring. I’ve been working for a long (ok long) time, and I know that generally people prefer to avoid or limit change – adopting the approach “if it isn’t broken, why fix it?”.
The same thing happens when having to deal with SAP Licensing. Some customers are content to ‘be enlightened’ by the newly-arrived SAP invoice, while others are compelled to spend valuable (and expensive) IT resources to enlighten them on vital SAP License matters.
Many customers are surprised when their invoice from SAP arrives for license usage. For some, it may fall within the ballpark of what they expected, but for many, it results in anxiety and concerns about budgets and spending. For too long this has been a reactive process.
Enter: SAP License Saver / Optimiser. This solution is designed to analyze SAP system usage based on Users, Document Postings, Transactions executed, and more. It then provides recommendations for efficient and effective SAP system management. The solution is fully ABAP-based (so no need for new software licences), will run ioff your existing hardware and can be operational within a day. You can rest easy knowing the solution is SAP certified and developed by a team who has worked with SAP for over 30 years.
In a recent case study, a customer with 8 SAP systems found it difficult and time-consuming to analyze and correct their license usage. The tool was deployed in a day and anomalies were immediately identified. The resultant benefit was a saving of 29% on Professional Licenses and 42% savings on Limited licenses. This solution recently helped a UK customer save over £13.3 million (yes millions). Imagine how much it may save you.
The License Saver Tool is just one of the functions available via our toolkits. Others include:
  • Master Data Analyzer – Allows companies to analyze hundreds of master data and customizing tables. You can configure the tool to send alerts notifying business owners when masterdata is changed.
  • System Log Reports – Detect any type of risks imposed by users by analyzing system logs and tables.
  • Emergency Access Management – Provides emergency production access to support users. Auditors can track support users and view their executed transactions during the emergency period thereby reducing the RISK.
  • Role Automation – Automated 20 Functions performed by SAP TCode ‘PFCG’, thereby reducing time spent on SAP security.
  • User Password Reset – Automate the password reset process without the need for ticket logging / Helpdesk intervention.
  • Process controls – Detect fraudulent postings, process errors, etc. by establishing various process controls in these SAP modules.
  • GRC Compliance Tool – Analyze SoD Risks and Sensitive Risks from Users / Roles. The solution also offers mitigation controls and risk reporting on real time postings and executed transactions.

I’m certain there are many companies that invest huge chunks of man-hours into performing the above tasks to varying levels of success.

For a fraction of the investment in SAP, you can get so much more from your SAP system.
I invite you to contact us to discuss your requirements. We have many happy clients around the world benefitting from this solution series.